Wednesday, 23 March 2011


 One kind individual commented on what my favorite film was, and I realize that this was inevitable, so why not use this idea for my first real post.

What are my favorite movies?

Before I reveal to thee my favorite films, first I feel like I should get some things out of the way, so people who stumble upon this don't think I'm a big jackass with no taste. First, I'm not the oldest guy out there, I'm still fairly young, and as a result, the movies I'm going to name are all fairly new (I have a bit of a problem with 'connecting' with super old movies, I understand that they're good, but they don't do anything for me, but that's enough of that). Second, these favorites aren't necessarily the 'best' movies I've ever seen. There is a definite correlation between the best movies and my favorite movies, but it is not as obvious as you might think, there are certainly much better movies then some of the ones I'm about to list, and I can totally understand your dissenting opinion if you don't agree.

So without further ado, in alphabetical order:


What can I say? I love lamp... I have always been a fan of Will Ferrell, but this was the first time that I saw a Mackay / Ferrell combination and I have been a fan ever since. Talladega Nights, Step Brothers, The Other Guys, I love em all but this still remains as the best of their collaborations, and of the best comedies I've ever seen.

                                                                                                          The Aviator
This goes hand in hand with my enjoyment of biopics, especially on topics and about people I'm not particularly familiar with. I'm a pretty big fan of Leo and I have to say that his Howard Hughes is the best acting I have ever seen out of him (a close second is What's Eating Gilbert Grape). This movie also made me a Scorsese fan for life, I've seen a lot of his work from this decade, and am just beginning to check out his earlier stuff (like I said, I haven't watched/ seen that many older movies). Scale, style, substance and entertainment, this movie has it all.

Down Periscope
 Ever since I was a young lad I've loved this movie, and even to this day it gets laughs out of me, even when I can (probably) recite half the movie. This is the mark of a good film: the way I feel now, is the same way I felt immediately after watching the first time. Bet you didn't expect to see this movie on here eh?

Muppet Treasure Island
This movie embodies the very definition of timeless. Even without the classic nostalgia (which is very strong) the movie is hilarious, even to an elder crowd with good music and an entertaining experience. Seriously, if you have never seen it, you must, it is well worth it.

Pan's Labyrinth
 This is probably the most touching and heartfelt movie on here. Pan's Labyrinth is subtitled but it doesn't matter, it is one of the most emotionally gripping films I have ever watched and I loved every second of it. Accurately described as a 'fairy tale' for adults, the movie has its graphic violence, amazing (and often weird) creativity and characters that were vividly imagined and acted to perfection.

The Prestige
The Prestige is, in my opinion, the best work to come out of Christopher Nolan, and that is saying something. The Prestige is one of the most ridiculously interesting movies I have ever seen, everywhere the plot takes you will grip you right up until the very end. Speaking of the ending, I don't mean to spoil anything but the very last line in the film gave me, and still gives me goose bumps, with the chilling delivery and suddenness. A true achievement.

That's it! comments, questions, feedback always welcome. thanks for reading!


  1. Have you ever seen In Bruges? That's easily my favorite movie. Don't let the fact that Colin Farrell is in it keep you from watching it.

  2. I cant face Farrell! returned your follow :P

  3. actually, I have seen In Bruges, but I must say I wasn't able to get into it :( perhaps I'll give it another shot but I remember not being impressed by it at all when I first watched it.

  4. Nice choices.

    I liked the Prestige a lot, but I LOVE Scarlette Johannson

  5. Hahaha Anchorman -- Classic. By the way.. you posted this at 13:37... NICE.

  6. nice i will watch some of those now thanks :D

  7. love most of these movies :)

  8. Very nice list. I too loved pan's labryinth!

  9. Man we have the same taste alot of my favorites are here too!

  10. Nice post, great choice of movies

  11. The Aviator <3 such a rad movie.

  12. Prestige was ok but just couldn't get into it properlly

  13. The only movie in your list I truthfully enjoyed was Anchorman, mainly due to the absolute stupid hilariousness to it.

  14. Gotta love muppet treasure island! Hahaha great reviews dude, gotta see Aviator though, come to mine :)!

  15. Pan's Labrynth was so scary!

  16. Definitely agree with the first two. Can't say the same for pan's labyrinth; I didn't enjoy it st all. Maybe I missed the point!

  17. horribly awesome choices here.

  18. Loved Anchorman and The Prestige had an awesome ending. Will check the others out!
